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Table of Diversity Element: Alaska Native

The Table of Diversity Element Alaska Native (An) is in the first column, Race, on the Table of Diversity.

Alaska Natives are Indigenous people of Alaska.

"Alaska Natives are made up of 11 cultures over 5 geographic regions: Eyak, Tlingit, Haid, Tsimshian people live in the Southeast; the Inupiaq and St. Lawrence Island Yupik live in the north and northwest parts of Alaska; Yup'ik and Cup'ik Alaska Natives live in southwest Alaska; the Athabascan peoples live in Alaska's interior; and south-central Alaska and the Aleutian Islands are the home of the Alutiiq (Sugpiaq) and Unangax peoples." -Alaska Federation of Natives

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Alaska Native Peoples. -Alaska Federation of Natives

"For thousands of years Alaska Natives have lived throughout the vast land that became the 49th state. A traditional subsistence lifestyle of hunting, fishing and gathering food has enabled Alaska Natives to thrive in some of the world's harshest and most challenging environments.

We are many nations and tribes, with ancient traditions that continue to be practiced today and adapted for the modern world. We are comprised of widely diverse cultures, languages, life ways, art forms and histories, but we share many core values that have guided us for millennia. The Alaska Federation of Native (AFN) is the largest statewide Native organization in Alaska. Its membership includes 209 federally recognized tribes, 185 village corporations, 9 regional corporations, and 10 regional nonprofit and tribal consortiums that contract and compact to run federal and state programs."


Alaska Native Culture. -Travel Alaska

"In general, there are five groups of Alaska Native people identified by region- Inupiat & St. Lawrence Island Yup'ik in the Artic; Athabascan in Southcentral and Interior Alaska; Yup'ik & Cup'ik, Unangax and Sugpiaq (Alutiiq) in Southwest Alaska; and Eyak, Haida, Tsimshain, and Tlingit in the Inside Passage.

Cultural Groups & Regions

Inupiaq & St. Lawrence Island Yupik
The Inupiaq and the St. Lawrence Island Yupik people call themselves the 'Real People.' Their homeland reigns from Alaska's northern Arctic region, one of Alaska's most remote and diverse regions- accessible primarily by plan. Filled with an amazing array of wildlife and a landscape ranging from coastline to tundra, the Alaska Native peoples here share similar subsistence lifestyle patterns as a way of life.

Sugpiaq and Unangax
The Southwest region's coastal communities and archipelago show off Alaska's rugged shoreline and terrain. Having lived a maritime existence dependent upon the sea for their survival, water determined the Unangax and Sugpiaq way of life. Their homeland stretches from Prince William Sound to Kodiak Island and along the 1,200-mile-long Aleutian Islands Chain.

Tlingit, Haida, Eyak, & Tsishian
The southeastern panhandle is home to the Tlingit, Haida, Eyak, and Tsimshian- known for being talented craftspeople. Their intricate weavings and carvings can be seen on totems and canoes, as well as ceremonial objects throughout the Inside Passage- a region shaped by the staggering force of massive glaciers millions of years ago, now stretching 500 miles along the Pacific Ocean.

Dene (Athabascan)
Alaska's heartland has been the traditional lands of the Dene Athabascan people for thousands of years, with 11 distince subgroups: Ahtna, Dena'ina, Deg Xinag, Holikachuk, Koyukon, Upper Kuskokwin, Tanana, Tanacross, Upper Tanana, Han, and Gwich'in. Known for following fish and game throughout the Interior and Southcentral regions, Athabascans created migratory communities near some of Alaska's largest rivers, building winter villages and summer fish camps.

Yup'ik and Cup'ik
The verdant landscapes in Southwest Alaska facing the great Bering Sea host a powerhouse of natural wonders and wild terrain. The Yup'ik and Cup'ik peoples have called this area home for thousands of years and are known as the "Genuine People." Elders are still recognized as leaders in communities for guidance and advice in many parts of rural life in this region."

Alaska Native Peoples. -Alaska Federation of Natives

"For thousands of years Alaska Natives have lived throughout the vast land that became the 49th state. A traditional subsistence lifestyle of hunting, fishing and gathering food has enabled Alaska Natives to thrive in some of the world's harshest and most challenging environments.

We are many nations and tribes, with ancient traditions that continue to be practiced today and adapted for the modern world. We are comprised of widely diverse cultures, languages, life ways, art forms and histories, but we share many core values that have guided us for millennia. The Alaska Federation of Native (AFN) is the largest statewide Native organization in Alaska. Its membership includes 209 federally recognized tribes, 185 village corporations, 9 regional corporations, and 10 regional nonprofit and tribal consortiums that contract and compact to run federal and state programs."

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Alaska Native Culture. -Travel Alaska

"In general, there are five groups of Alaska Native people identified by region- Inupiat & St. Lawrence Island Yup'ik in the Artic; Athabascan in Southcentral and Interior Alaska; Yup'ik & Cup'ik, Unangax and Sugpiaq (Alutiiq) in Southwest Alaska; and Eyak, Haida, Tsimshain, and Tlingit in the Inside Passage.

Cultural Groups & Regions

Inupiaq & St. Lawrence Island Yupik
The Inupiaq and the St. Lawrence Island Yupik people call themselves the 'Real People.' Their homeland reigns from Alaska's northern Arctic region, one of Alaska's most remote and diverse regions- accessible primarily by plan. Filled with an amazing array of wildlife and a landscape ranging from coastline to tundra, the Alaska Native peoples here share similar subsistence lifestyle patterns as a way of life.

Sugpiaq and Unangax
The Southwest region's coastal communities and archipelago show off Alaska's rugged shoreline and terrain. Having lived a maritime existence dependent upon the sea for their survival, water determined the Unangax and Sugpiaq way of life. Their homeland stretches from Prince William Sound to Kodiak Island and along the 1,200-mile-long Aleutian Islands Chain.

Tlingit, Haida, Eyak, & Tsishian
The southeastern panhandle is home to the Tlingit, Haida, Eyak, and Tsimshian- known for being talented craftspeople. Their intricate weavings and carvings can be seen on totems and canoes, as well as ceremonial objects throughout the Inside Passage- a region shaped by the staggering force of massive glaciers millions of years ago, now stretching 500 miles along the Pacific Ocean.

Dene (Athabascan)
Alaska's heartland has been the traditional lands of the Dene Athabascan people for thousands of years, with 11 distince subgroups: Ahtna, Dena'ina, Deg Xinag, Holikachuk, Koyukon, Upper Kuskokwin, Tanana, Tanacross, Upper Tanana, Han, and Gwich'in. Known for following fish and game throughout the Interior and Southcentral regions, Athabascans created migratory communities near some of Alaska's largest rivers, building winter villages and summer fish camps.

Yup'ik and Cup'ik
The verdant landscapes in Southwest Alaska facing the great Bering Sea host a powerhouse of natural wonders and wild terrain. The Yup'ik and Cup'ik peoples have called this area home for thousands of years and are known as the "Genuine People." Elders are still recognized as leaders in communities for guidance and advice in many parts of rural life in this region."

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